The Village of Northwood Ridge Water District will be holding its annual meeting at 7 pm on Wednesday, March 29th at the Northwood School. A district’s annual meeting is the same as a town meeting before SB-2. Residents of the District come to the meeting to vote on the articles as they appear on the posted Warrant. Although the meeting is open to the public, only registered voters are allowed to vote. If you live in the Village District and are a registered voter in Northwood, you may vote at the meeting.  A copy of the Warrant and the Northwood Budget Committee approved budget has been posted at the Northwood Town Hall, the Northwood School and the Northwood Post Office. 


Key items on the Warrant:


Article 1: Election of Officers… Eric Wolfe’s term is about to expire, so there will be a vote for a Commissioner for three years. The position of Auditor is on the ballot for two years. Our Treasurer’s position, although a multiple year position, has been voted annually, as Gloria McGillicuddy has wished to commit for only a year at a time. The moderator’s position will be for a single year to get the elected position back to an even-year election as required by RSA. 


Article 2: Operating Budget… The operating budget is the same as last year’s budget. Although we did see savings last year, necessary maintenance, such as, a roof repair at the pump house and additional road repairs have been delayed the past two years. Much of the additional savings had come from the efforts of volunteers, but the Water District is running out of volunteers.


Article 3: Expendable Trust Fund … Each year the district appropriates $1000 from water rents to go into our expendable trust fund.


Articles 4 and 5 take money provided by rental of water district land to SBA Towers and received last year and add the tower rents to a Capital Reserve Fund and an Expendable Trust Fund.


Article 6: Conservation Easements… The Village District is asking permission of the voters to place a conservation easement on five district owned parcels north of the Acorn Ponds. The easements will be held by Bear-Paw Regional Greenways with the costs associated with providing those easements covered by the Northwood Conservation Commission Land Trust created for that purpose. Parcels 5, 6, 7 and 8 were purchased in 2004. Parcel 9 had been purchased more recently. For reference, our pumphouse and wells are located on parcel 4 and separated by Northwood Conservation Commission owned land.  The circle is our Wellhead Protection Zone. (Numbers are for map at above)


A copy of the posted warrant appears below.
